If you want large photo prints, you must submit your photos in JPG, PSD or TIFF format. These work best with print specialists such as photos2canvas2u.com. However, PNG and PICT options are also acceptable. In case, you have a different kind of file, it’s a good idea to check this out with the professionals by describing the type of file. For excellent digital art prints, it’s important that you upload the highest quality file that’s possible. The quality of reproduction obviously depends upon the quality of the file you submit.
Your photos will make good large photo prints provided the digital file is big. One can check this out by enlarging the file to the largest possible size on one’s monitor. If there’s any hint of fuzziness obviously, the size needs to be reduced to sort out the problem. You can determine whether your photo has enough resolution by using the thermometer provided by photos2canvas2u.com. This thermometer is more like small battery tester strips. You can also find out whether the print is all right or not by the color coding that’s green for all right and red if it isn’t. In case, it’s red, one can keep reducing the size till one gets green or just above the acceptable orange.
However, for quality digital art prints, the file size has to be large. It doesn’t matter whether you have 300 dots per inch (dpi) file or a 1600 dpi file. But, one must know the dimensions. Therefore, you’ve got to have between 100 dpi to 300 dpi at the size that you want your prints to be. This way, you’ll have impressive and large digital photo prints.