Whenever you decide to print your favorite photos on canvas, it is important to remember golden words: ‘Garbage in, garbage out!’
It is silly to think that the facility or service provider offering to convert your photos to canvas is a magician and will miraculously turn a bad resolution or photograph taken in poor light into a fine bright sharp print. If any service provider ever makes such tall claims to you, it is best to look beyond because it is most probably one of those unreliable printer services that market aggressively without substance. Even you can logically tell that such a service is bluffing and nothing more.
The fact is that when you take a photograph with your digital camera, it stores expansive data about the photograph. The data includes information on the date when the photograph was clicked, its maximum resolution, and the spectrum of colors that were present at the time. While pictures taken in broad day light often capture accurate color information, pictures taken in other than day light many a times fail to capture all the colors. So, when you send such pictures for canvas prints, the service provider does not receive adequate information about the photograph.
It is silly to think that the facility or service provider offering to convert your photos to canvas is a magician and will miraculously turn a bad resolution or photograph taken in poor light into a fine bright sharp print. If any service provider ever makes such tall claims to you, it is best to look beyond because it is most probably one of those unreliable printer services that market aggressively without substance. Even you can logically tell that such a service is bluffing and nothing more.
The fact is that when you take a photograph with your digital camera, it stores expansive data about the photograph. The data includes information on the date when the photograph was clicked, its maximum resolution, and the spectrum of colors that were present at the time. While pictures taken in broad day light often capture accurate color information, pictures taken in other than day light many a times fail to capture all the colors. So, when you send such pictures for canvas prints, the service provider does not receive adequate information about the photograph.
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